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14.03.2011 11:01 - Verbal Homeopathy™ or Your Health for Free/Хомеопатичните препарати могат да бъдат направени с думи /Part 9
Автор: silvaantonydon Категория: Технологии   
Прочетен: 1976 Коментари: 0 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 26.05.2012 17:59



За иновацията Вербална хомеопатия™ на български език

Хомеопатичните препарати могат да бъдат направени с думи

Verbal Homeopathy™ or Your Health for Free
Silva Antony Don

In the course of their experimental medicine, the homeopaths, and even Samuel Hahnemann, found out that there were the so called “sensitive types”, i.e. people who have similar psychosomatic characteristics and respond well to certain basic (broad) homeopathic preparations. The continued taking and alternation of these, depending on the patient’s symptoms, leads to the permanent healing even of serious chronic diseases. In other particularly adverse cases, this is a very good supportive therapy, including for life.

Hahnemann speaks of several causes of diseases (miasm) and, respectively, of groups of people who are predisposed to the respective groups of diseases.



The first and most basic type he calls “psora”. He considers it essential and it includes the majority of people. In the treatise on “Chronic Diseases”, he describes 47 antipsoric preparations.

People who respond well to “psora” have no power, and their vital processes run languidly and slowly, the person is always tired and puts up with everything and everyone. They are satisfied with little.

These people have 5 key characteristics:

1. Alternating of pathological events in the body. Skin infections are alternated with inflammation of the mucous membranes. For example, a rash that after passing (healed by an ointment) is followed by a cold, which after passing (healed by drops) is followed by a rash and then again by another inflammation of the mucous or serous membranes. This process can last months, alternating and eventually reaching a chronic condition of either the dermatitis or of the inflammation of the mucosa. This is especially typical in young children.

2. Alternation of behaviors. Alternation of optimism, punctuality and vitality, with signs of irritability, angering, and negligence, reaching to apathy in the final stages. In an acute situation these people can change quickly and easily from crying into laughter and exhilaration. There is hysteria and spasmophilia. In the final stages, severe depressive states may be observed, which become increasingly long and frustrating.

3. Propensity to parasitosis.

4. Difficult recovery after an illness; due to the extreme lack of energy and thus of effective resistance, these people recover very slowly from acute medical conditions. They exhibit a propensity to being anemic. Treatment is usually prolonged and painful.

5. Lack of rapid response to treatment; again due to lack of energy and a good immune response, these people are hard to influence in acute illnesses (rhinitis, angina, laryngitis, pharyngitis, lymphadenitis, otitis media, bronchitis, asthma, frequent angina with third tonsil) with carefully-chosen homeopathic preparations. Which is why it is good to commence the treatment in a more relaxed stage. In such situations, the acute phase, which will occur soon, will pass much more easily. Otherwise the patient may experience disappointment of the homeopathic approach and miss a major opportunity for a complete change of life.

In these cases, Hahnemann’s recommendation to use multiple antipsoric preparations given daily in high attenuations and for a long time is very useful.


The most basic preparations to respond well to “psora” are:


1. Calcarea carbonica – calcium carbonate


Peace, security and languidness.

These are people with a healthy, stable and shortened structure. They are strong in appearance, balanced and conservative. They are usually slow and relaxed, reserved and independent in life. They dislike efforts and sports. They focus on what they do. They speak softly, gently and slowly. They are usually good-natured, helpful and placable. They do not like change. Their main desire is for peace and security. Stress, physical and mental strain makes them sick easily. They dislike surprises and novelty. They are very shy and easily withdraw from combat. They exhibit a strong propensity towards depression. Fatigue is very quick to occur in these people; they are highly sensitive to cold, and tend to spasmophilia. They can often be both corpulent and languid.



1. On metabolism (propensity to form lithiasis – gall and kidney stones)

- High blood pressure

- Obesity

- Gout

- Diabetes

2. On the lymphatic system and tonsils.

- Inflammation of the tonsils with propensity to suppuration

- Hypertrophy of the cervical lymph nodes.

3. On bone remodeling (metabolism) (calcium and phosphorus)

- Demineralization: solid congestions (discopathy, hardenings, osteoarthritis, congestions in the endocrine system – adenomas, lipomas, fibromas).

4. Skin diseases: eczema, warts, polyps

Alternation of ENT infections with skin problems – a cold and eczema.


- Worsened by cold in all its forms (patient sleeps with the socks on)

- Deterioration at full moon

- Desire for sweets, as well as for many eggs

- Sweating around the neck after falling asleep

- Very easily tired

- Puberty is often late, sore breasts prior to menstruation.


2.  Sulfur

This is a substance, which, according to Samuel Hahnemann, was the leader of the so-called antipsoric medicines. People who respond well to its characteristics are typical representatives of “psora”.

These people, when in good health, are very active, cheerful and optimistic. At the same time they are very selfish and often this vitality is merely superficial. They communicate without really being overwhelmed by the problems of others. They soon forget about the conversation. They often use their community to achieve their goals. When they change to the opposite phase of their behavior, they become angry, irritable, confused and inaccurate; they start to talk a lot and do nothing. They may reach to a severe apathy, lethargy and total neglect of duties and appearance. They have a propensity to alcoholism and even to endless feasts. They are always hot and flush easily.


1. On the skin – itching, which worsens in warm

- Any dermatoses – redness, rashes, blisters, wet and dry; herpes, eczema, acne, allergic rashes, recurrent stye, complications after trauma that lead to dermatitis.

2. On the ENT (ears, nose, throat)

- Periodic fever with redness, itching and respective sneezing;

- Asthma, worsening at night and improving from fresh air. May be accompanied by chronic spastic bronchitis. Usually alternated with skin ailments.

3. On the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis, inflammation of the oral cavity. Accompanying liver ailments. All this is accompanied by burning, caustic pain. Usually, inflammations alternate with skin inflammations.

4. On the bone-joint apparatus.

- The preparation has an impact on the hip and knee joint, the thumb and wrist joint.

- Lumbago.

5. On the heart area.

- High blood pressure (headache and engorgement relieved by warming), contrary to the common modality.

- Left-side ventricular failure – tachycardia, shortness of breath, tightness of the chest, feeling that the heart is larger, in dilatative cardiomyopathy in its early stages, with ischemic heart disease also in its early stages. In advanced diseases, the preparation is complementary to the primary therapy. This condition may be accompanied by depression, alcoholism, obesity. The preparation is efficient mainly in diabetes and cardiovascular complications of diabetes.

6. On the genitourinary system: chronic cystitis, colpitis (inflammation of the vagina) with strong redness, itching and restlessness.  Sensations:

- Burning sensation and heat in the mucous membranes Hot feet Flushing in the face

- Deterioration from warmth

- Secretion odor

- Itching in a warm bed and intolerance, or hypersensitivity to woolen clothes;

- Desire for mild climates; the person cannot tolerate very cold and warm.


3. Lycopodium clav. – northern firmoss

These are people who wanted to be somebody, but due to various circumstances have remained small and others have grown around them and have outshined them in life. This evokes a strong sense of inferiority. They lose faith in themselves and their abilities, flee from responsibility, become very irritable. They become domestic dictators. Due to lack of self-confidence they appear strict and orderly, they criticize and contradict others, if given the chance. On the other hand they make no commitments and take no responsibilities. These people are hypersensitive, unstable and too emotional; they are busy, impatient and nervous. They are often very wordy and appear confident, but this is an illusion. They have many desires, but cannot fulfill them and become discouraged. They easily grow old (age prematurely). Skin infections are alternated with inflammation of the mucous membranes. At a behavioral level, they alternate anger and irritability with depression, apathy and indifference to life.



1. On the skin: eczema, very oily skin, chronic skin hives, they often have cracking heels. Alternation of inflammation with fever and angina.

2. On the ENT (ears, nose, throat)

- Chronic cold: dry during the night and liquid during the day.

- Acute, recurrent angina, mostly to the right.

- Pneumopathy to the right

3. On the digestive system: ulcers, gastritis, gall stones.

Lycopodium is one of the most popular drugs for liver disorders with extremely durable and profound effect, especially on the cholesterol metabolism.

4. On the genitourinary system: renal lithiasis (stones), inflammation of the prostate.

5. On neuropsychic activity – tics.



- Exclusive affinity for sweets;

- Flushing of the face after meals, preference for warm food;

- Swollen and tense lower abdomen after eating;

- Intolerance to onions;

- Deterioration between 4 pm and 7 pm.


4. Arsenicum album – arsenic anhydride

These are people who are very confused and uncertain about their inner sensations about things. They live in a chaos inside of them, without a sense of the real values in life. On the outside, they wish to control everything, criticize, require, put in order; they constantly make plans and follow them. They are amazingly fastidious people and good organizers. They never stop polishing, washing and arranging things. They wash their hands constantly. They usually keep absolute order around them. They do not like surprises, diseases, sudden accidents, fateful circumstances. They have no faith in life; they think that everything is random and should therefore be controlled. If they have no vision and explanation of things, they become very short tempered and scared, become hasty, nervous, restless, anxious, critical and absolute grousers. They think that their health and life is in constant danger. There is always something that burns them on the inside, but love warmth, because it gives them a feeling of safety. They want to maintain the achieved status quo by all means. They have a great fear of death. They are naturally active, efficient and tenacious. They possess great practicality, but have no sense of internal order and harmony. They are usually atheists. They often suffer from alternating respiratory and urogenital infections with skin ailments.


1. On the digestive system:

- Acute gastroenteritis with corrosive, foul odor stool; Strong acidity with burning in the stomach;

- Food poisoning with meat, canned food, clams;

- Cholera-like diarrhea.

2. On the genitourinary system: acute cystitis, acute metritis (inflammation of the mucosa of the uterus), colpitis (inflammation of the mucosa of the vagina), nephritis (kidney inflammation).

3. On the respiratory and ENT system

- Asthma (deterioration at 1 am);

- Acute otitis (ear inflammation) with burning pain;

- Spastic fever with an irritating burning outflow from the nose.

4. On the nervous system: burning neuralgia, which is alleviated by warmth.

5. On the skin: severe skin infections: boils, burning hives, shingles, psoriasis, scaly dermatoses with light powder-like, dry flakes.

5. Others:

- Depression with a huge fear of death, anemia, poor appetite, insomnia.

- Sharp, burning thrombophlebitis or phlebitis (inflammation of the veins), which is alleviated by warmth.


- Deterioration at 1 am;

- Improvement by exposure to warmth, desire for hot liquids;

- Sharp burning pain, burning, caustic secretions with foul odor;

- Weakness and fatigue.

Verbal Homeopathy™ or Your Health for Free
Silva Antony Don




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