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14.03.2011 11:05 - Verbal Homeopathy™ or Your Health for Free/Хомеопатичните препарати могат да бъдат направени с думи /Part 10
Автор: silvaantonydon Категория: Технологии   
Прочетен: 27827 Коментари: 0 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 26.05.2012 17:58


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Вербална хомеопатия™ на български език
Хомеопатичните препарати могат да бъдат направени с думи

Verbal Homeopathy™ or Your Health for Free
Silva Antony Don


Tuberculin is a subspecies of psoric type. Some authors even argue that it is generally better to only speak about the Tuberculin type. It is really quite a typical psora, with its deficiency and variability in every respect. These are weak, tired people who are always dissatisfied with their condition. They therefore constantly change everything about themselves: jobs, friends, homes. They are unusually sensitive to cold, constantly alternate symptoms of the mucous membranes and the skin, as well as various conflicting behaviors: nervousness and irritability, which alternates with apathy, conformity and exhaustion from life. They have many fears and worries.

1. Tuberculinum – biotherapeutic from crude tuberculin.

The keyword here is great variability.

These people are very fickle and unstable. They have an unquenchable desire for change, travel, and new things. Inside they feel great uncertainty, and therefore constantly seek a safe haven. They do not believe at all in their own powers, but otherwise have a huge creative potential. Nevertheless, it is difficult for them to reach the bottom of things. They easily grow tired, and sleep a lot. Their symptoms are very variable. Moods change rapidly.They are nice and polite and the next moment they are evil and destructive. Disgruntled people who do not know what they want. They are highly irritable about little things. They are very creative and have great imagination. Their actions are even regarded as schizoid manifestations and it is possible that these people gradually sink into a world of their own. Extremely quick exhaustion, even in negligible physical and mental effort.


1. On the ENT (ears, nose, throat): recurrent rhinopharyngitis, recurrent angina, recurrent otitis media, hypertrophy of tonsils, respiratory allergies: hay fever, asthma, microbial allergies. These diseases are alternated with skin inflammations and events. Pronounced immune deficiency.

2. On the skin: eczema that is aggravated by heat, allergic rashes, rashes of any other origin. Internal burning sensation.

3. On the endocrine glands: disorders of growth, disorders in the thyroid gland, adrenal hypofunction, reduced weight. Propensity to anemia and loss of fluids: phlegm, diarrhea, sweating.

4. On the nervous system: schizoid propensity, psychasthenic conditions, spasmophiliacs, rapid mood swings, headaches at high voltage, perspiration during the night with cold sweat, unexplained anxiety.

5. On the digestive tract: chronic diarrhea, enterocolitis, colitis, gastritis. Patient has good appetite but nevertheless shows bodily weakness. Propensity to anemia.

6. On the genitourinary system: basic preparation for colibacillosis, and candidiasis. A heavy and continuously shortened menstrual period is often observed. Possible anemia.


2. Phosphor – phosphorus

The keyword is diffusion, dissolving in the environment.

These are soft, kind, and loving people who are very outgoing. They like to socialize, and are constantly on the look for new friends. They are afraid of loneliness, of abandonment. They have serious fears of thunder, darkness, spirits, ghosts and frost. They look for light, company and comfort. They love to be cuddled and are very affectionate. They are pale and thin, have an elongated bodily structure, and are anemic, as if malnourished. They find it difficult to concentrate, forget easily, they are absent-minded and messy. At the same time they are very inquisitive. They are always sincere in their feelings, but sometimes erratic. They look for diversity and change. They are hypersensitive to their relationship with other people. They are deeply hurt by insults, rejection, deceit and violence. Then they can become irritable and angry. Or may find themselves in apathy. They are easily tired.


1. On the ENT and the respiratory system:

- Acute bronchitis

- Laryngitis

- Pronounced immune deficiency.

2. Bleeding; profuse bright shiny bleeding due to trauma or surgery.

- Frequent, recurrent, profuse bleeding from the nose, from wounds, ulcer, vomiting blood, bleeding in the intestines, blood in the urine.

3. In liver complaints: hepatitis, pancreatitis, alcoholism, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, severe vomiting.

4. On the cardiovascular system: left ventricular heart failure (tachycardia, shortness of breath, difficulty climbing stairs, strangulation), right ventricular failure: cyanosis with bluish circles around the eyes, enlarged liver, swelling under the eyes, decreased urination, cardiovascular complications in diabetes.

5. On the urinary system in renal failure.

6. On the gastrointestinal system: gastritis, enterocolitis with burning pain.


- Burning sensation on the palms of the hands and the spine

- Intolerance to noise and light

- Fear of dogs, lightning and ghosts

- Thirst for a cold fizzy drinks

- Hunger at night

- Symptoms worsen at night, fear of darkness.


3. Natrium muriaticum – sea salt

The keywords are duty and responsibility

These are conscientious, responsible, but very bitter people. They tend to become dry and hard due to excessive family and work responsibilities. The thought has been impressed on them that they must hold their own, fight, not complain and not show their feelings. Thus, they gradually turn inward, tighten, harden and even fossilize. They always stand their ground. Everything around them is too serious and they do not know how to have fun and relax. Everyone has requirements for them and they have requirements to others. They have a pronounced sense of duty and responsibility. They are usually boring, diligent and precise. On the inside, they are much softer and crave warmth and humidity, but this does not show on the outside. They drink lots of water. In the final stage of pathology, these people are desperate, depressed and apathetic. Propensity to spasmophiliacs. They cry secretly and often a lot, but do not complain. Sometimes this condition is also a result of severe personal loss. They are physically weaker in the upper body and plump and are prone to cellulite in the thighs.


1. On the ENT and respiratory mucous membranes: recurrent rhinopharyngitis, paranasal sinuses allergy (at every change of the weather), hay fever, asthma, recurrent bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, a pronounced immune deficiency. Intolerance to cold and fatigue. Profuse sweating. All these events are alternated actively with skin manifestations. Alternation of dry mucous membranes and profuse secretions.

2. Skin diseases: acne with comedones and shiny skin, herpes simplex, anal herpes, frequent urticaria, dry skin.

3. On the endocrine glands. The preparation is strongly indicated for disorders in the metabolism of thyroid function, dysteroid anemia.


- Problems in the metabolism of sodium.

4. On the gastrointestinal system: propensity to diarrhea in certain situations, alternating with obstinate constipation, gastritis.

- Unquenchable thirst and hence a strong desire for salt. The exact opposite is also observed: aversion to salt.

- Bulimia without weight gain.

5. General disorders:

- Disturbances in growth due to frequent illnesses

- Easy fatigability

- Anemia (e.g. from blood loss)

- Spasmophiliacs

- Weight loss due to abuse of quinine preparations

- Reduction in memory and concentration.


- Deterioration at the seaside and in the sun, especially for prolonged stays;

- In the morning at around 10 am;

- Deterioration at comforting (crying alone);

- Deterioration in a closed and warm room;

- Improvement by clean air and perspiration;

- Burning sensation in the mucous membranes;

- Numbness and tingling in the limbs, cramps.


4. Ignatia amara – strychnine tree seeds

These are highly sensitive people who have suffered great loss – death, pangs of love, financial disaster, life with a terminally ill dear person, emigrants away from home, difficult divorce, rape, robbery, fright, insurmountable obstacles in life, severe humiliation, suppressed resentment.

They feel hard pressed, feel shortness of breath, lump in the throat, tightness and heaviness in the chest, a ball in the stomach, feeling as if a nail has been driven in their crown and nape of the neck. They yawn frequently and often sigh, can easily get hiccups. Otherwise they are kind, outgoing and loving people. They love to cuddle, appreciate gestures of love and attention and this greatly improves them. However, when under stress, they are explosive, irritable and even angry.


1. Neurological manifestations:

- Constant sighs;

- Cramps, muscle twitching;

- Spastic cough;

- Hiccups, yawning;

- Stomach cramps;

- Tachycardia of emotional nature, cardiac neurosis;

- Irritability and anger, which alternate with tenderness;

- Reactive depression alternating with paradoxical mood – crying and then laughing without particular cause;

- Hysterical seizures.

2. Sensations:

- Lump in the throat

- Constant hunger of nervous nature

- Hypersensitivity to pain

- Overall weakness

- Deterioration in the morning until 11 am

- Worsening by stimulating agents

- No desire to be comforted

- Hypersensitivity to smells, especially tobacco

- Improvement by distraction, mood swings

- Feeling fine in a warm place


5. Calcarea phosporica – calcium phosphate

These are kind, benevolent individuals having an elongated structure. Everything in them is long: the spine, fingers, legs, torso, face, they have narrow and tall teeth. They often have a fair skin color. They are ever eager to be among people; very outgoing and diplomatic. They easily grow tired by both physical and mental effort. They often suffer from respiratory problems. They are quite timid. They fear storms, thunders and darkness. They are very sensitive to the attention of the people around them.


1. Respiratory and ENT: recurrent rhinopharyngitis, recurrent otitis, recurrent bronchitis, chronic hypertrophy of tonsils and enlarged lymph nodes, third tonsil, spastic cough, asthma.

- Frequent sweating on the neck and head during the first sleep;

- Difficult to recover from illness, marked immune deficiency.

2. Digestive system: frequent problem starting in infancy (vomiting after meals, diarrhea, intolerance to milk).

Aversion to milk that often continues throughout adult years.

3. Disturbances in the bone apparatus: predisposition to rickets in children; curvature of the spine, especially in the thoracic section, very rapid growth and disorders of the bone structure, neck pain and back pain in adults (thoracic section), difficult teething.

- Predisposition to caries.

4. Reproductive system

- Dysmenorrhea: a long, irregular, painful menstrual cycle. Puberty in girls occurs earlier. Teen acne.

- Candidiasis.

5. Others:

- Headache from mental strain;

- Deterioration from cold, moisture and any change in weather;

- Many fears and worries (darkness, storms, dogs, loneliness, ghosts);

- The pain is stinging and burning;



- Easy fatigability, need more sleep;

- Irritability and uncertainty;

- Feverishness and haste in doing things;

- Easy fatigability;

- Improvement in warm and dry weather;

- Appetite for fish and ham.


7. Sulfur iodatum – sulfur iodide

This is less a medicine, and does not have distinguished psychological characteristics. These are weak, thin people, having a malnourished appearance. They are often very irritable, hasty and have mood swings. They grow tired very quickly and are angered by this. They are often ill. And they are difficult to recuperate.


1. Respiratory and ENT: recurrent rhinopharyngitis, recurrent angina, recurrent lymphadenitis, recurrent bronchitis, propensity to allergies, hay fever, asthma, pleurisy. These events are often alternated with skin and joint ailments.

2. Skin: papular juvenile acne, blepharoconjunctivitis.

3. Joints: arthritis, rheumatism of viral origin.

4. Others: unexplained weight loss, probably from violations of thyroid function – hyperfunctionality.


- Deterioration around 11 am;

- Burning sensation in the mucous membranes and feet – Phosphor;

- Deterioration from warmth, but hypersensitivity to cold;

- Easy fatigability of small efforts;

- Tachycardia of nervous origin;

- Irritant secretions of the mucous membranes (nose, anus);

- Desire for sour things and lemons.


8. Arsenicum-Jodatum – arsenic tri-iodide.

These are very distressed, fragile people with serious diseases. They are weak, even when having appetite. They often have thyroid problems. Frequent recurrent respiratory problems are observed.  Effect:

1. Respiratory and ENT: recurrent rhinopharyngitis, relapsing lymphadenitis, hay fever, asthma, allergic spasmodic laryngitis.

2. Cardiovascular disease:

- Arteriosclerosis, cardiosclerosis;

- Irregular heart beat (tachycardia, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation);

The medication has a strong preventive effect against the aging processes. It is given continuously after the age of 45-50. It combines well with Arnica montana (a vascular protector). It is related to cholesterol metabolism.

3. Skin: chronic scaly dermatosis – eczema, psoriasis, mycoses, lichens.


- Severe tiredness and exhaustion;

- Deterioration from hunger;

- Deterioration from cold, but also from warmth;

- A feeling of something burning on the inside;

- Tachycardia of nervous origin;

- Improvement after meals.


9. Argentum nitricum – silver nitrate

These are hypersensitive people who have phobic neurosis. They are afraid of almost everything. They are constantly tormented by anxiety and concern. They are always in a hurry, even if they have time, they are afraid of the immediate future. They are afraid of traveling by plane, by car, of going to an unfamiliar place, of sitting for an exam, of being in public; they are even uneasy in the presence of friends. They experience frantic fear of delay. They like to feel lightness in the digestive tract.  They usually have a weak, lean physique.



1. Digestive: gastritis, ulcer, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, enterocolitis, rectocolitis.

2. ENT: pharyngitis with a feeling of pins and needles, laryngitis with a sensation of having a prickle upon overstraining of the vocal cords, conjunctivitis.

3. Neurological: tremor, impaired coordination, graphospasm, dizziness.

4. Reproductive system: cervicitis (inflammation of the lining of the cervix), urethritis (inflammation of the urethra).



- Feeling pins and needles

- Deterioration from warmth (unless in stomach pains), improvement from cold

- Deterioration at night

- Great need of huge amounts of sweets and deterioration from sweets

- Deterioration from closing of the eyes

- Improvement from applying pressure on the painful spot.

Verbal Homeopathy™ or Your Health for Free
Silva Antony Don




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