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15.03.2011 06:30 - Verbal Homeopathy™ or Your Health for Free/ Хомеопатичните препарати могат да бъдат направени с думи/Part 11
Автор: silvaantonydon Категория: Технологии   
Прочетен: 5065 Коментари: 2 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 26.05.2012 17:58

За иновацията
Вербална хомеопатия™на български език
Хомеопатичните препарати могат да бъдат направени с думи

Verbal Homeopathy™ or Your Health for Free
Silva Antony Don

The second main group of causes of diseases, the miasm, Hahnemann calls “sycosis”. He believes that fewer people belong to this group and it is a secondary one, and is formed in the process of life development as a consequence of the mechanisms of compensation and adaptation. This is a condition in which there is excess capacity in function or volume of various organs and systems, i.e, they are hypertonic or hypertrophic, and often both.

People who respond well to “sycosis” have several basic characteristics.

1. Propensity to various types of concretions and compactions. These affect:

- The skin: warts, moles, tumors.

- Organs: fibroids, cysts, tumors.

- Mucous membranes.

2. Overall swelling and infiltration of tissues and organs with additional matter because of: the insertion of different chemicals, reactions due to vaccines, external contamination, frequent and excessive drug therapies, chronic stress.

3. Chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes, which “glow” continuously due to the constant poisoning. This implies a weak immune response and hypersensitivity to cold and damp. These factors further enhance inflammation. Almost constant discharges: runny nose, pharyngitis, leukorrhea (vaginal discharge);

4. Propensity to fatigue, depression and obesity.


- Autoimmune diseases – arthritis, diabetes, gout, obesity, AIDS

- Advanced sclerosis – ischemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, lithiasis (stony concretions).

- Tumor formations.


The most basic preparations which correspond to the “sycosis” are:

1. Natrium sulfuricum – sodium sulfate

These are usually fat, slouchy, stout people who have a number of diseases. Their behavior is slow, apathetic, lethargic, slack. They are often irritated and flare. They dislike problems and contradictions. They easily slip into depression. They feel disgust of life, usually are in a bad mood, especially in the morning as they are waking up. Every effort, mental or physical, exhausts them. These are sad, fretful, tired people.


1. Respiratory: bronchitis, deteriorating from moisture, all bronchopathies, deteriorating from moisture, asthma in damp weather, mucus-purulent rhinitis in moisture.

2. On the digestive system:                                                                                                            - Enterocolitis with diarrhea and flatulence

- Bile issues (lithiasis – stones)

3. Joint: coxarthrosis (hip), gonarthrosis (knee), lumbago. Severe deterioration from moisture and relief from movement.

4. On the skin: scaly dermatoses with inflammation and transparent to yellow flakes, psoriasis. Warts.

5. Neuropsychological:

- Subjective syndrome in those who have suffered cranial trauma and/or spine trauma.

- Depression.


- Deterioration from moisture and damp weather, improvement from dry weather;

- Deterioration at 5-6 o’clock in the morning;

- Deterioration while resting and when immobilized;

- Desire for ice-cold water, icy drinks and ice cream;

- Intolerance to many foods: bread, meat, sweets;

- Itching when undressing;

- A feeling of bloating after meals;

- Abuse of quinine derivatives (malaria, rheumatism).


2. Thuya occidentalis – Western tuya – tree of the Juniper family.

Latin for “Tree of Life”. This type of people attaches great importance to appearances, to their image, to performing well in front of others. They are dismayed by their lower instincts and try to hide them by all means. Which is why they have many hidden and vague things. Their shortcomings must be guessed. They are like a fog. They are divided between higher and lower. They generally consider the world to be an awful place where one should protect themselves from the others. These people are secretive, distrustful and suspicious. They have in themselves the idea that they are not good enough or perfect. They are predisposed to depression. They are often hypochondriacs and believe they are developing cancer. They appear to be rather plump in the upper part of the body, with numerous infiltrates, while the limbs remain weak. The skin is often oily, shiny with dilated capillaries on the edges of the nose.


1. On the respiratory and ENT: recurrent rhinopharyngitis, recurrent bronchitis, recurrent angina with hypertrophy of tonsils, lymphadenopathy. These people respond very badly to vaccines, antibiotics, corticoids, or neuroleptics, or have been treated with such for a long period. They have respiratory and ENT pathologies as a consequence.

2. Urogenital:

- Chronic inflammation in the genital tract, chronic discharge of the vagina;

- Fibroids, polyps and ovarian cysts;

- Chronic and recurrent urinary infections;

- Hypertrophy of the prostate;

- Polyps of the bladder;

3. On the skin:

- Warts, tumors;

- Papillomas, condilomas;

- Juvenile acne;

- Boils, any purulent formations;

- Cellulite.

4. On the nervous system:

- Unbearable neuralgia (muscle twitching);

- Cenestesia – sensation of foreign body in the abdomen;

- Secondary reactive depression and obsessive ideas.


- Perspiration with a “cooked rice” odor;

- Feeling of super fragility and brittleness;

- Sensation of a foreign body in the abdomen;

- Deterioration from cold and damp, improvement from dry and warm;

- Deterioration around 3 am and around 3 pm;

- Deterioration from onion;

- Relief from the discharging of liquids.


3. Medorrhinum – bio-therapeutic from lysis of purulent gonorrhea secretions.

Extreme behavior may be observed in this type of people. They are like a pendulum. At one point, they are depressed, and then they are active and busy. They may be kissing their dog, and beating it just a couple of hours later. The changes are sometimes so big that they are hard to believe. This is usually a compensation for insufficient attention, love and suppressed sexuality. On the physical level, they have many secretions, which are often irritating and itchy, since this type of people generally want to have a lot of everything and their body is filled with all kinds of excesses. They are relieved by the discharge of secretions and fluids. They usually overeat. Have a number of chronic diseases. Have schizoid tendencies.


1. Respiratory and ENT: frequent rhinopharyngitis, frequent angina, frequent bronchitis, asthma.

2. Urogenital: chronic and recurrent infections of the genitourinary system.

3. Joint: arthritis, degenerative or inflammatory rheumatism. Pains worsening from moisture and cold.

4. Neuropsychiatric:

- Depression;

- Sleep deprivation problems in children with rhythmic movements in sleep;

- Hyperactive children with attention deficit disorder and difficulties at school, psycho-motor agitation, restlessness of the legs;

- Schizoid tendencies.



- Need of wind and to fan oneself; they feel better near the sea;

- Deterioration between 10 am and 12 at noon;

- Itchy ear canals;

- Feeling that someone is following and watching them;

- Burning sensation in the feet, hands, spine, although they are cool;

- Restless legs and tenderness in the heel.


4. Lachesis muta – Bushmaster venom

These people are extremely selfish. They may be covert, suspicious and cunning. Have the gift of speech, are communicative and learn languages with ease. They are very tenacious, have great ideas and rich imagination. They love to be alone and are active in the evening and at night. In the morning, they feel unwell and sleep late. They have a strong intuition. Aggressively pursue their goals, entangling their opponents with arguments and covertness. They are terribly jealous. They survive under all circumstances. They don’t like to be fully buttoned, dislike having something around the neck. They do not wear tight clothes and do not like seat belts in cars. They are very intelligent. They love the fresh air and the wind.



1. ENT: angina with purple throat and difficulty swallowing;

- Asthma, hay fever.

2. Severe infectious conditions and acute purulent processes: fever, purulent sinusitis, purulent angina to the left, purulent otitis media, bronchitis.

3. Menopause: hot flushes, tachycardia, high blood pressure, intolerance to heat and sun, insomnia and extreme states of activity and lethargy, bleeding black blood.

4. Others:

- Bleeding black blood in inflammatory processes;

- Nose bleeding

- Alcoholism with liver damage’;

- Sunstroke;

- Acne rosacea;

- Jealousy crisis in little kids of younger brothers and sisters; Jealousy in general;

- Loss of a loved one;

- Obesity.


- Feelings of throbbing pain;

- Feelings of tension behind the eyes;

- Feeling of tightness in the throat and/or heart area;

- Feeling of suffocation and heaviness while falling asleep;

- Feeling of lump in the throat;

- Deterioration from retention of fluids (before the cycle);

- Improvement from discharge;

- Aversion to hot liquids;

- Alternation of loquacity and silence;

- Purple-red nose;

- Dark red to purple lips.


5. Sepia – Sepia paint

These are usually thin women with a matte skin. They have brown spots on the face or under or around the eyes, around the base of the nose or around the mouth. A drooping upper left eyelid may be observed. The lower lip is cleft in the middle.  These are women who have had a hard life with recurring troubles, sadness, disappointment, emotional stress and propensity to depression. They have headaches, are gloomy, hardly bear to stand up, prefer to be alone. Their legs are always crossed. When depressed, they fall into indifference and are bored by everything: family, children, occupation, housework. They see the negative side to everything and easily cry if they are being comforted. They may be irritable and short-tempered at the smallest occasion, noise or nuisance. They are constantly tense and anxious.



1. Liver-digestive

- Contraction of stomach and interferences in gastric acidity

- Migraine of digestive nature

- Nausea early in pregnancy

- Decreased hemorrhoids

- Constipation

- Biliary dyskinesia (pinching of the gall bladder), lithiasis.

2. Urogenital:

- Chronic unpleasant white discharge from the vagina, persistent urinary infections

- Contraction of the uterus

- Disruptions in the cycle and frigidity

- Menopause

3. Respiratory:

- Chronic bronchitis

- Asthma

4. Skin: eczema of different origins

- Herpes during the cycle

- Psoriasis with fissures that bleed.

5. Neuropsychiatric:

- Depression – Indifference, seclusion, fretfulness, anxiety, hypochondria, alternating with hyperactivity and irritability escalating to violence;

- Depression after birth.


- Feeling of lump in the throat;

- Sensation of contraction of the uterus;

- Difficulty standing, waist pains;

- Deterioration from storms and cold;

- Improvement from active movement;

- Desire for acidic foods and intolerance to milk;

- Aversion to kitchen odors;

- Profuse sweating of the palms;



6. Silicea – silicon

These are delicate, soft and sensitive people who have a fine mind, but are very emotional. This makes them hesitant, shy and irresolute. They have a great fear of the new, the unknown, of failure and ridicule. They shun the outside world. They are emotionally unstable and have a weak will, and resist problems passively. They do not defend their own position. They easily give their energy to others, grow tired, sleep a lot, are easily misled. On the other hand, they can work slowly and persistently to achieve their goals. They are observers and analysts. They love to be touched and caressed and not to be comforted. They need to be more independent. They are nervous and restless, with big bright eyes. Their structure is delicate.



1. Respiratory and ENT: recurrent rhinopharyngitis, recurrent angina, recurrent bronchitis, pleurisy, other chronic bronchopathies.

2. Urogenitary: chronic cystitis, chronic metritis (inflammation of uterus), chronic salpingitis (inflammation of the tubes of the ovary), prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate), urethritis (inflammation of the urethra).

3. Skin: all festering skin sores, boils, abscesses, inflammation of the fingers, or fungus between the toes.

- Inflammation from stuck blades: pins, glass, bones.

4. Eye: stye.

5. Bone: chronic arthritis.

- Periodontal disease

- Osteoporosis

- Rapid growth during puberty with deformities

- Predisposition to rickets

6. Neuropsychiatric: chronic lack of energy, problems with memory and concentration, physical weakness, intolerance to cold and moisture, frequent headaches due to colds.


- Hypersensitivity to vaccination

- Unpleasant foot odor

- Desire to acidic foods

- Brittle fingernails with white flecks

- Startle at the lightest noise

- Feeling of having a thorn or a splinter.


7. Nux vomica – strychnine tree.

These are people who have been taught to a great sense of duty and responsibility. They always want to be first. They are extremely ambitious. They do not rest, they want to control everything and everyone, to achieve all their goals. They want everything to be as they desire it, and fast. They are inclined to order, hygiene and hierarchy in everything. Assume great responsibilities. They are tenacious, industrious, very tense. This makes them irritable, angry and even vicious if things are not accurate. They abuse stimulants to work and succeed (athletes, bosses). They do not tolerate contradictions. They become rude, intemperate and even cruel at the smallest obstacles. They may gradually develop aversion to work and persistent insomnia.



1. On the digestive system:

- Nausea, relieved after vomiting;

- Diarrhea or constipation;

- Drowsiness after meals;

- Itching, painful hemorrhoids.

2. Respiratory and ENT: spasmodic rhinitis with itchy nose, bronchitis, flu syndrome, fever, asthma, colds from drafts.

3. Bone: lumbago pains as from bruising.

4. Neuropsychiatric:

- Nervous syndrome with spasms, intolerance to noise, smell and touch.

- Irritability, anger and aggression;

- Insomnia and restless sleep;

- Headache from overload;

- High blood pressure;

- Desire for stimulants: alcohol, coffee, drugs;

- Sedentary lifestyle;

- Cramps of the calves.


8. Nitric acid

These are extremely selfish and aggressive individuals who enjoy luxury, money and an affluent lifestyle. They are usually overweight, but may also be weak. They have intolerable and scandalous disposition. They blaze up at the slightest opposition, disagreement or annoyance. They love to take others to court. They are quite vindictive and unforgiving. They tend to have slowly developing lesions, appearance of neoformations on the skin and the mucous membranes, and anxiety about their own health. They often fall in depression. They retire into themselves and do not want to see anyone. They are often extremely aggressive and irritable. They like very greasy food.



1. On the digestive system: gastritis, ulcers, colitis, ulcers in the mouth with a burning stabbing pain. – Deterioration at night.

2. Urogenital: Kolpino (inflammation of the vagina), polyps of the cervix, all formations on the sexual organs.

3. Skin: eczema with fissures, ulcers on the legs with stinging pain, warts.


- Stinging pain of having a splinter;

- Deterioration from cold and improvement from warm;

- Headache with feeling of tightness around the head

- Desire for fatty and salty dishes.


9. Mercurius sol. – Mercury

They are leaders by nature: calm, responsible and ambitious. They fear failure, loss of power and position very much. They grow distrustful and suspicious, gradually separate from people and isolate themselves. They feel irreplaceable. These people are very active and agile in life, react instantaneously to the circumstances, they are busy and hasty. They find it difficult to do team work. They want to have people around them who are 100% reliable. This is very important to them. They believe they can achieve anything. If they deteriorate or their strength depletes, they withdraw, isolate themselves and gradually decay. They abuse their power. They want to control everyone and everything. They grow nervous, irritable, aggressive and violent, can hit, fight and kill. They can be jealous, resentful and vindictive. Children have frequent recurrent angina and adenopathy (thickened cervical nodes). Difficulties at school and difficulty concentrating, they feel lack of energy. Restless, angry and anxious children.       


3. On the respiratory and ENT system:

- Acute purulent angina with bright red throat and strong pains when swallowing; Unbearable smell; Tooth marks on the tongue; Swollen tongue with yellow coating;

- Pharyngitis with iradiating pain towards the ear, thickening of the cervical nodes;

- Acute and recurrent rhinitis, sinusitis;

- Mumps, including in adults, where the preparation prevents complications;

- Otitis media with burning sensation.

1. On the digestive system:

- Ulcerative colitis, rectocolitis;

- Stomatitis and mouth ulcers (sore mouth); Inflamed and swollen gums.

3. Eye: purulent conjunctivitis.

4. Urogenitary: Kolpino (inflammation of the lining of the vagina), vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the external genitalia), inflammation of the urethra with pus, cystitis with a burning sensation.

5. Neurological: shaky hands (tremor), headache.

6. Others:

- Abscess

- Severe food poisoning.



- Hypersalivation (plentiful constant drooling);

- Deterioration at night;

- Deterioration from damp cold, improvement from dry weather;

- Deterioration from sweating (smelly sweat).


10. Aurum metallicum – gold

These are people who most of all have pronounced behavioral disorders – reactive depressive syndrome. It is characterized by sudden mood swings from great optimism and cheerfulness to sadness, outbursts of anger and aggression. They become caustic, irritable and cannot tolerate contradiction. They may feel desperate, abandoned, unsuccessful and failed. They lose their big self-esteem and positions and are progressively disgusted of life to the extent of suicidal ideation (suicidal thoughts). Sometimes they do this by jumping from a high place because this reflects their idea of failure. Depression increases in winter. People with manic-depressive psychosis are often found, which requires that treatment is combined with more active methods.


1. Psychiatric:

- Depressive syndrome with abrupt shift of mood;

- Manic-depressive psychosis;

- Predisposition to schizoid personality disorder. Helps reduce the risk of onset of the disease that requires very serious treatments after that.

- Delayed mental and physical reactions in the elderly.

2. Cardiovascular:

- High blood pressure, dizziness;

- MS;

- Heart ailments in menopause;

- Tachycardia with a feeling as if the heart stops and starts again with a jump;

- Stenocardia: tightness in the precardiac area, shortness of breath and pain;

- Heart failure.

3. Others:

- Rhinitis and chronic sinusitis with pus;

- Mastoidit (inflammation of the mastoid bone in the ear);

- Conjunctivitis;

- Glaucoma;

- Horizontal hemianopsia – patient sees only the bottom half of objects;

- Alcoholism;

- Inflammation of the bones with strong pain and danger of suppuration.


- Deterioration at night;

- Deterioration frome cold and in winter; improvement during the summer;

- Hyperexcitability and enormous anger;

- Hypersensitivity to sharp smells;

- Tinnitus (perception of sound in the ear when there is no actual sound);

- Bitter, insipid taste in the mouth and thirst;

- Headache from concern with a feeling of an auger being driven in the head;

- Dizziness when bending.



11. Causticum – Caustic Soda

These are people who are sensitive to the social processes, and are very sympathetic to the misfortunes of others. They have as their goal to change things, even to destroy the world. They are revolutionary in nature, anarchists and idealists. They possess a strong sense of social justice. They tolerate no authority. They are agile, sensitive, intelligent, easily excitable, responsive to the circumstances. They often do volunteer work for organizations like the Red Cross, or with green parties. They do not tolerate violence, abuse, authority (army, police). They are ready to work for the causes of others. They have a terrible fear that something might happen to their relatives, that a sudden misfortune may come upon them.  They are gradually exhausted and fall ill. They become irritable, nervous, angry, have a painful response to anything and can even cry easily. They look pale, with yellowish tan, stiff, with lantern jaws and muscles bulging like ropes. They fear the dark.


1. Neurological:

- Cold facial neuralgia, deterioration from dry and cold wind, from draught;

- Consequences of spinal trauma;

- Children wetting their bed at night (experienced fear);

- Laryngitis with vocal cord paresis (fatigue or infection);

- Graphospasm with muscle weakness;

- Paresis.



- Sensation of a burning wound, of burning pain;

- Deterioration from transition from warm to cold, improvement from warm;

- Deterioration at 3-4 o’clock in the morning;

- Improvement from drinking cold water, but also aversion to water;

- Desire for smoked food;

- Aversion to sugar and sweets.


12. Fluoricum acid – Hydrofluoric Acid

These are people with a definite disparity in physique – asymmetry, inharmonious forms (due to various types of dystrophy). They are hyperactive in physical terms, very tenacious and resistant, but have a fragile and unstable mental behavior. They cannot concentrate for a long time in mental stress, are often inconsistent and inaccurate. Their moods alternate between optimism, excitement and good disposition to anxiety, apathy and a desire to retire. They have prominent bone diseases. They can be very good gymnasts because of their extraordinary flexibility. There is also the opposite version of great stiffness.


1. Bones (problems with calcium metabolism):

- Osteoporosis;

- Foul-necrosis with suppuration and intense itching;

- Increased bone density – calcification, exostosis;

- Inflammation of the bones – osteitis, polyarthritis (of all joints);

- Polyarthritis (of all joints);

- Relaxation of various internal organs (kidneys, stomach, uterus);

- Inflammation of the veins with burning pain;

- Hemorrhoids with intense itching;

- hyperactive children suffering from hyperthyreosis (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland).



- Internal burning in the whole body or locally with improvement from cold;

- Deterioration from stimulants;

- Deterioration from immobilization and improvement from continuous movement;

- Purulent secretions;

- Burning sensation in the feet and palms of the hands;


Naturally, complexes can also be made from preparations for “psora”, “tuberculin” and “sycosis”. Too few people may be said to respond 100% to only one preparation. Usually, most of us have overlapping features of several medications. People having the characteristics of both sensitive types are often found. In most cases, especially in chronic cases, the main medication(s) are hidden behind many other symptoms. That is why any changes in the treatment process must be constantly monitored, and we must be able to respond promptly with the respective preparation or complex.

When you are unable to quickly determine your sensitive type, you can apply different complexes according to the symptoms and gradually discover the correct, basic preparation(s). The changes occurring in yourself will help identify it. It/they can then be taken primarily. Of course, further changes and new circumstances should be monitored. The homeopathic approach is a lifestyle, not a system of treatment and therefore requires constant vigilance in decision-making, in which it resembles the process of nourishing. In practice, this is an energy food that restores your energy imbalances. And since this method is free, all you need to master the homeopathic knowledge is time and keen observation. And remember that you cannot overdose a preparation, and even if you get confused in some of the more severe chronic cases, you will simply postpone the time (by a month or two) for the proper treatment with the more appropriate medications. You will, however, always and constantly have results.

Verbal Homeopathy™ or Your Health for Free
Silva Antony Don




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